Vision and Values
The Keys Academy Trust, is a Church of England multi academy trust based in Wokingham committed to providing an excellent education for all of our pupils and staff so that our family of schools are recognised as centres of academic and pastoral excellence at the heart of the communities they serve. Each pupil, irrespective of background, faith or circumstance, is expected to be supported to secure the highest levels of achievement, both in terms of attainment and progress.
Our vision for academic excellence will be realised through the recruitment of high calibre staff who share our commitment to providing an education within The Keys that can unlock the future for all our pupils by inspiring them to learn and enabling them to develop a deep body of knowledge. This will enable our pupils to understand the world around them and make informed observations and connections. Curriculum design and coherence will facilitate our vision of academic excellence. Staff and pupils at Alder Grove will receive support not only from our Central team, but also from Senior Leaders across The Keys, including our Director of Learning, all of whom have a proven track record in school improvement.
Education at Alder Grove Church of England Primary will be built on a firm foundation of Christian values with an expectation of high academic standards and pastoral care for all. Our vision for Alder Grove School is about the importance of roots. Just as a tree cannot grow to be healthy and strong without good roots, so we believe that children need the right conditions to grow and flourish. In partnership with parents, it is our ambition that all children will be independent, resilient and have a strong sense of moral responsibility; as a community, we will value and recognise each individual’s skills and talents. Our pupils will leave Alder Grove Church of England Primary ready for secondary school with excellent foundations across range of subject disciplines, high aspirations, the belief and the self confidence that they can lead a meaningful and fulfilling life contributing positively to the community.
As a school within The Keys Academy Trust:
- Alder Grove CE Primary School will belong to a community of schools which aim to provide an excellent education, distinctive ethos and inclusive approach to those of the Christian faith, other faiths and no faith;
- Alder Grove CE Primary School will serve its pupils, parents and local community by providing the highest levels of academic excellence and pastoral care, ever mindful of the knowledge and understanding that underpin pupils’ future life chances;
- Alder Grove CE Primary School will become a centre of excellence at the heart of this new community where we match the ambitions for the 21st century learning and skills – offering a knowledge-led curriculum focusing on subject specific domains and ensuring there is a rich technology offering;
- Alder Grove CE Primary School will teach a knowledge-led curriculum within national guidelines designed to inspire pupils to learn, and gain an experience of “life in all its fullness”. There will be a supportive culture of high expectations and Alder Grove CE Primary School will seek to develop emotional resilience and a love of learning so that the pupils will thrive intellectually, physically, socially, emotionally culturally and spiritually and understand how to stay safe;
Leaders at Alder Grove CE Primary School will be expected to maintain The Keys Academy Trust’s principles:
- To work towards our schools being centres of excellence with a focus on the nurture and high achievement of all pupils.
- To fulfil the particular vocation of Church of England schools to provide for the local community, including the disadvantaged and vulnerable, to enable them through education to change their lives.
- To promote structured mutual support and encouragement which is of benefit to those who work and learn in our schools.
- To identify and develop future leaders who will commit to using the best and latest research in child development, cognitive science and pedagogy in order to drive forward school effectiveness.
- To promote an educational community rooted in the Christian values of kindness, service, truthfulness, forgiveness, courage and perseverance so we can lead our pupils to become independent, responsible, resilient, self-motivated and caring members of society.
Vision Statement
Our vision for Alder Grove School is about the importance of roots. Just as a tree cannot grow to be healthy and strong without good roots, so we believe that children need the right conditions to grow and flourish.
Our school community at Alder Grove is rooted in the following values:
- Kindness
- Service
- Truthfulness
- Forgiveness
- Courage
- Perseverance
We see these values in the life of Jesus, and Christians choose to live their lives rooted in him. At Alder Grove, we want to help all our children, whatever their faith background, to grow deep roots which will enable them and the whole community to be strong and healthy learners, and to care for each other.
As we live out these values, we help each other to flourish and grow. Our vision is not just about individuals but about a whole community, so we emphasise the importance of serving each other, and treating each other as we would like to be treated, and we also believe in the importance of caring for the world around us.
When the roots are healthy, we will see fruit growing:
‘They are like trees planted along the riverbank, bearing fruit each season’ (Psalm 1.3).
The right roots will allow our children to fulfil their potential in all areas of life.