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Chair of Governor’s Welcome

As Chair of Governors, I would like to welcome you to the Alder Grove School website and thank you for your interest in our school which is part of The Keys Academy Trust. We hope as you explore our website you discover more about our values and our ambition to provide the very best educational experiences for our pupils which inspire pupils to learn and gain an experience of “life in all its fullness”. Our children are at the heart of everything we do.

As governors we are very proud to be part of this school community and to work with our Headteacher Mr Theobald and his leadership team. Understanding the role of governors is important and I hope the information below is useful in finding out more about the role, who we are and how to contact us.

Each school within The Keys has its own local governing body (LGB) which is a committee of the Board of Trustees. Local governing bodies have governance functions for their school delegated to them by the Trust Board and they are accountable to the Board.

The Local Governing Body has three core functions to:

  • Strategic Leadership
  • Accountability and Assurance
  • Strategic Engagement

We do this by meeting as a local governing body and through the work of committees, working closely with the Head of School and the senior leaders. The role is strategic and we are not involved in the day to day working of the school. As Governors we also visit the school regularly to meet with school staff and pupils in order to gain a better understanding of how the school operates, its curriculum and its outcomes and crucially, how staff ensure the welfare and safety of all pupils.

Governors are volunteers with a range of skills, and they work together as a team and are not representative of how they were appointed. Governors are appointed as:

  • Parent Governors – elected by parents and carers who have a child in the school from Reception upwards. When posts arise, elections take place within school
  • Foundation Governors – approved by the Trust following an interview and recommendation from the local parish council/ Diocese
  • Staff Governors – elected by the staff at Alder Grove
  • Trust Appointed Governors who are identified as having specific experience or skills

We can be contacted via the Governor email address below:
clerk@aldergrove.wokingham.sch.uk or in writing via the school office.

Please do look out for information on future parent governor vacancies or contact the school office for more information.

Local Governing Body minutes are available on request from the office.

As Governors we are committed to raising standards and we hope you will work in partnership with the school staff and as part of our community to fulfil our vision, goals and aspirations for Alder Grove.

Lisa Bull
Chair of Governors



Mrs Lisa Bull

Chair of Governors

Website Compliance Governor and Staff Wellbeing (Wellbeing Governor)


Term of Office

Miss Jenny Lovell

Foundation Governor

Vice Chair of Governors

Safeguarding Governor

Term of Office

Mr Philip Theobald


Mrs Barbara Stanley

Foundation Governor

RSHE and SIAMS Governor


Term of Office

Mr Greg Terefenko

Parent Governor

Health and Safety Governor and Sports Premium Governor


Term of Office

Mrs Libby Fothergill

Staff Governor



Term of Office

Mr Sam Nowak

Trust Appointed Governor



Term of Office

Mrs Janet Beer

Foundation Governor



Term of Office

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