Nursery Admissions
If you would like your child to be considered for a place in this academic year, please download our 2024/2025 Nursery Application Form and return this to admissions@aldergrove.wokingham.sch.uk.
31 January 2025 for admission in September 2025
At Alder Grove’s Nursery, we follow the Early Years Foundation Stage Framework making sure your child has the best start to their education as possible. We aim to provide an experience that will not only be very valuable but full of enjoyment at this very special time in your child’s life.
Please read the admissions policy so that you know which term your child is eligible to start and the closing date for applications.
Nursery Class at Alder Grove Primary School
This is a very important stage as it helps your child get ready for school as well as preparing them for their future learning and successes. From when your child is born up until the age of 5, their early years’ experience should be happy, active, exciting, fun and secure; it should support their development, care and learning needs.
Choosing and starting Nursery can be a very anxious time for parents as well as children! We offer open days, stay and play sessions and home visits even before your child starts with us.
The Nursery is run by a qualified Teacher, Early Year Practitioners, a Teaching Assistant and Learning Support Assistant. We have up to 39 children in each session.
We play inside and outside nursery everyday - it is important to bring clothes suitable for outdoor play so the children can explore and learn following their interests whatever the weather! Make sure you have a pair of wellies to leave in your box at Nursery.
We have lots of first hand experiences and exploratory play too.
Sometimes we might mix sand and water to see what happens, we might make mud pies or dig to the bottom of the sand pit to find treasure. We might use our senses to explore changes in materials - what happens when I put layers and layers of paint on top of one another, how does it change? We are learning valuable early concepts, skills and attitudes - but we might also make a mess at the same time.
At this stage in your child’s development, it is the process of creating things that is most important - not the end product. We won’t be coming home with pretty recognisable art work; we are learning the skills needed.